Monday, December 21, 2015

12/21 Technology Article


At least 11 reports of hoverboard fires in 10 states are being investigated by federal agency's. 

They say they consider this a priority investigation. 

The hoverboard is a popular holiday item and it is going to be in a lot of homes and they have to make sure it is safe.

They are testing new hover boards and ones which were in the accident. 

Amazon halted almost every sale of the hoverboards.

Hoverboards have been a hot tech toy but lately for the wrong reasons.  

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


  1. What's another way you can organize and store information on your computers? Another way you could organize and store information is by making folders. 

  2. What have you learned from researching the above topics? What do you know now about those current events that you didn’t know before?
  3.  I have learned about gun control. I now know that people should not be allowed to have guns because there would be less murders.

  4. What are other social bookmarking apps/websites?
  5. Delicious is another social bookmarking website. 

  6. Will you continue to use social bookmarking? 
  7. Maybe, I don't really bookmark things.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Do Now 12/14

If I was chosen to wear an invisible cloak for a day and I was to do a good deed it would be to around and feed the homeless and give them some money. I would go to the supermarket pick up a whole bunch of different foods. I would get enough food so they had it for a while. I would walk around a town that had a lot of homeless people so I can help more people. I would also bring them to a homeless shelter so they can get shelter in the cold.

Another thing that I would do is bring them clothes. I would have people donate clothes to help the homeless. I would give them clothes that can go with the season. Get them summer, spring, winter and fall clothes. Also some blankets so they can stay warm.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Do Now 12/7

One class that I would add to the curriculum is a photography class. I would have this class meet at the end of the day because kids would have fun in the class and it would be a great class to end the day. The class would only meet twice a week on Monday and Friday last period. This class would be counted as its own grade and will be on the students report card.  I would assign the students different things to take pictures of each week and see how the started off as and how they ended as. I would make sure that the kids knew everything there was to know about it.

This class would have all the kids pictures on the wall and other peoples work so that they can get inspired from it. That the other peoples work will inspire them to do their best and work their hardest. The students would produce pictures every week of different objects or different places in their town. They would also have to write the significance of their photo. Also write about how they could improve their work if it needs improvement or if they think they did good, why they think they did good.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

RSS discussion questions

  1. Why did you select the sites you subscribed to? 
  2. I selected the sites I subscribed to because they were the first websites that popped into my mind when it said Government News and Personal.

Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them?
Yes it was easy because even if it wasn't right in front of your face it was easy to find still.

Which sites were your favorites?
My favorite sites were my personal sites.

What else can you use RSS feeds for?
You can use RSS feeds to get easier information. To view articles quicker.  

How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future?
Not that often if not using it in classes.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


                                                                 Amazon Echo

Like siri but seats on your coffee table or in your kitchen

The Echo is a piece of home decor or furniture that lets you control things in the house and search the web

It is controlled by voice command by saying "Alexa" or "Amazon"

A ring of lights at the top changes colors so you know its listening

It can recognize your voice from across the room

If you connect your calendar it will give you a summary of your weekly events  

Monday, November 30, 2015

Do Now 11/30

 One person I am most grateful for in my life is my mom. I am very thankful for my mom she does everything for me. She puts up with everything that I throw at her. She is always there for me whenever I need her. She buys me things and she always try her best to help me when I need it. She always makes sure that I don't make mistakes in my life.  

  Another person I am most grateful for in my life is my dad. My dad always takes me where ever I ask him to take me. He helps me with my math homework when I don't understand it. He always encourages me to do my best at everything that I do. My dad makes sure that I dont go down the wrong path in life he makes sure that I stay on the right one. 

  I am also grateful for my brother. Sometimes he may be annoying but without him times at home would be boring. Without him I would be the only child and wouldn't have a sibling to talk to.He is outgoing funny and smart. He is always trying his best to help around the house and help out my mom dad and I and I am thankful that he does.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Technology Article 11/20

                                                                     Flying Drone

Parrots new Bebop drone 2 resembles a small pizza but box but flies like a bird

Landed on Tuesday with a promise of longer airtime

It is a 17.6 ounce device

Soars to 330 feet in 18 seconds, travels 33 feet per second

Can fly as long as 25 minutes

Has a 14 megapixel camera with a fished eyed lense

The drone will be available on December 14th for 549.99 or 799.99 with controller

Works with I-phone and Android devices

For more information click here

Monday, November 9, 2015

Do Now 11/9

Over this 4 day weekend I didn't do that much. On the first day of our 4 day weekend I hung out with my friends and got pizza. The next day I stayed home during the day with my brother. Then I went to my friends house and slept over her house.We just watched some movies and played volleyball. 
 On Saturday I had to go the mall with my family because it was my cousins birthday, and he wanted to do this big obstacle course they had there. Sunday I stayed home besides the time I had to run to the store with my mom. Then I watched football with my dad and brother. I also spent most of my break watching Friday Night Lights on  Netflix

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Technology Article 11/4

3D printed car

They are using the power of DDM (Direct Digital Manufacturing) to make the new cars

They will begin taking orders on 3D printed cars next year

The cars design was made by Kevin Lo

Local Motors and IBM are working on making products and apps to improve the driving experience

They say the LM3D is as comfortable as a BMW

The company says they are going to produce up to 2,400 cars a year

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

Copyright is the law that protects the work of authorship

Work is automatically copyrighted

Many images are licensed

For projects you can search for images on the internet

First check if the image is licensed or not

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Technology Article 10/30

Iphone owners sue Apple over excess data usage in IOS 9
A couple in Florida filed a suit against Apple saying the new update saying it caused them to exceed their wireless data cap.

They say that Apple did not notify owners that the IOS 9 included free wifi assistance which made their data run out.

When the wifi assistant kicks in the wifi icon at the top disappears   and the only thing there is the connection bars.

Now because of the couple who sued you can now disable this feature

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

technology article 10/23

Google maps now let's you add stop along routes to your route. 

You will now be able to add stop along routes

You will be able to search for things such as gas stations, coffee shops and restaurants while they are still one navigation mode

they will add these stops as a detour to your final destination 

you can use this feature with voice commands

when you select your stop google maps will count down 10 seconds before it switches over to that destination 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Do now 10/19

I can use google forms in my life for a lot of things. Such as surveys about sports like what your favorite sport is and what position you like to play. Also you can use google forms so if you are having a party you can see who is coming and who is not. You can use google forms for jobs as well so who is going to hire you can get a better understanding of you.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Technology article 10/16

                                   JetBlue will have free satellite wifi on all flights

JetBlue recently announced that they will have free satellite wifi

They say that all onsumers will benefit from it by fall of 2016

They say the Fly-Fi model proven that there is a way to offer more to costumers without paying an extra cost

According to JetBlue there wifi is about 8 times faster than other in flights wifi

The Fly-Fi service will provide costumers with watching Hulu Netflix and web browsing

Passengers could pay $9 for the Fly- Fi plus service which allows you to download huge files and more

Friday, October 9, 2015

Technology Blog 10/9

                                                        Apple Pay continues to expand

Apple confirms they are putting apple pay in certain Starbucks

People would not need to use credit cards or money just there phone

This could be used with the fingerprint feature

They are releasing this to the 3 most popular stores

But they are not sure how it is going to work out

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Technology Article 10/2

                                             Iphone 6s compares to the Iphone 6

  • The Iphone 6s camera is 12 megapixels verses the Iphone 6 with 8 megapixels
  •  For the Facetime camera the camera is 5 megapixels while the 6 is 1.2 megapixels    

  •    One big thing apple does is add a number to the processer and this year is the A9 which   makes the A8 look like nothing the 6s is 70% faster in general use and 90% better in graphics 
  • The 6 and 6s have the same 4.7 inch screen but Apple says they used the strongest glass in  the industry for the 6s  
  • The 6s also has 3D touch unlike the 6
  • The 6s has the lower power mode
full article

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Technology Article 9/25

                                               Ad blockers on the charts for the IOS 9

  • Apple's newest mobile software lets third-party apps to block web 
  • An app called Peace which cost $2.99 promises to block most ads
  • Once you buy the app you just have to set Safari to use it
  • This can help with speeding up web performance 
  • Adds have been a sore spot for people on the internet 
  • Anyone can add an extension to Chrome to block adds which only work on laptop and desktops 
  • The only problem with ad blocking is income from ads
  • Article found at

Monday, September 21, 2015

Web 2.0 Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

This year I am taking Web 2.0 in this class I expect to learn a lot more about technology then I already know. I am hoping to come out of this class knowing a lot more about technology. I like how we post all of our work on a blog instead of writing it out. I think that the blogs make it more fun to do work. Check out the blog spot we use in class. 

Mr. Porfido's grading policy is just like any other teachers. 40% for Formal Assessments 40% for Performance based Assessments. 10% for homework and 10% for Informal Assessments. I like how we have to research a topic every week and then create a blog touching on the main ideas of the article. The only thing I don't like is having to present it to the class. But I will get used to it after a while. 

In this class Technology is used is many different ways. Technology is used to do assessments. Basically we use technology for everything in this class. Check out these videos 

And check out Mr. Porfido's blog while your at it!