Thursday, September 24, 2015

Technology Article 9/25

                                               Ad blockers on the charts for the IOS 9

  • Apple's newest mobile software lets third-party apps to block web 
  • An app called Peace which cost $2.99 promises to block most ads
  • Once you buy the app you just have to set Safari to use it
  • This can help with speeding up web performance 
  • Adds have been a sore spot for people on the internet 
  • Anyone can add an extension to Chrome to block adds which only work on laptop and desktops 
  • The only problem with ad blocking is income from ads
  • Article found at

Monday, September 21, 2015

Web 2.0 Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

This year I am taking Web 2.0 in this class I expect to learn a lot more about technology then I already know. I am hoping to come out of this class knowing a lot more about technology. I like how we post all of our work on a blog instead of writing it out. I think that the blogs make it more fun to do work. Check out the blog spot we use in class. 

Mr. Porfido's grading policy is just like any other teachers. 40% for Formal Assessments 40% for Performance based Assessments. 10% for homework and 10% for Informal Assessments. I like how we have to research a topic every week and then create a blog touching on the main ideas of the article. The only thing I don't like is having to present it to the class. But I will get used to it after a while. 

In this class Technology is used is many different ways. Technology is used to do assessments. Basically we use technology for everything in this class. Check out these videos 

And check out Mr. Porfido's blog while your at it!